Twitter’s Brand Bracket Tournament Will Determine the Best Tweeting Brands - Visualistan -->

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To highlight the best brands and business on its platform, Twitter just launched a new initiative called Brand Bracket. The social media company has been determining brands that it deems the best in terms of their tweet activity.


“Brands can have two-way conversations with their audience that are real and unfiltered, and can’t be replicated anywhere else. With this bracket, we aim to celebrate those that do this the best - as selected by the people of Twitter," said Twitter.


Twitter Marketing is asking users to vote for brands in a head-to-head match. These match ups will eventually end up in a final showdown, where the winner brand will be crowned as Twitter's Brand Bracket for 2021.

Twitter uses a similar strategy in its annual Brand Bowl promotion as well, where it determines the best performing Super Bowl campaigns. The tactic is interesting in a way that it generates discussion and more people start looking at brands’ tweets, hence better brand promotion.


According to Twitter, its Brand Bracket tournament will continue for the next few weeks and winners will be announced on April 2nd.

Twitter’s Brand Bracket Tournament Will Determine the Best Tweeting Brands


To highlight the best brands and business on its platform, Twitter just launched a new initiative called Brand Bracket. The social media company has been determining brands that it deems the best in terms of their tweet activity.


“Brands can have two-way conversations with their audience that are real and unfiltered, and can’t be replicated anywhere else. With this bracket, we aim to celebrate those that do this the best - as selected by the people of Twitter," said Twitter.


Twitter Marketing is asking users to vote for brands in a head-to-head match. These match ups will eventually end up in a final showdown, where the winner brand will be crowned as Twitter's Brand Bracket for 2021.

Twitter uses a similar strategy in its annual Brand Bowl promotion as well, where it determines the best performing Super Bowl campaigns. The tactic is interesting in a way that it generates discussion and more people start looking at brands’ tweets, hence better brand promotion.


According to Twitter, its Brand Bracket tournament will continue for the next few weeks and winners will be announced on April 2nd.

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