The modern era revolves around work, work and more work. Technology has helped us out in many ways, but it has also increased the number of working hours. Not only are people working during their office timings, but they are also found working at home when they should be enjoying their 'me' time and 'family' time.
To add to the contemporary work lifestyle, the rise of both compulsory expenses, as well as luxuries, makes it essential for both the parents to work for the betterment of their children. Even if one parent is capable enough to earn for the family to run, both the mother and father have their personal goals which they need to achieve. But ambitions can come with a cost. And that cost can be letting go of family life.
So while being busy, it can be possible for both the parents to lose track of time and eventually, stop focusing on their kids altogether. So how do you come to having fun with your children when your schedule is packed and time is short? Well, planning ahead can actually help you out.Infographic by: RealInsurance