Where is Day Care the Most (and Least) Expensive in America? #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Where is Day Care the Most (and Least) Expensive in America?

Childcare in the United States is widely known for its exorbitant costs. A January 2023 report from the U.S. Department of Labor revealed that new childcare data indicated prices simply weren't manageable for families. The average monthly expense for childcare in America hovers around $1,300, constituting a staggering one-fourth of the income for numerous Americans. Consequently, over 60% of impoverished families find themselves compelled to forgo work to care for their children at home, creating a ripple effect of financial challenges. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services deems childcare to be "affordable" if it costs less than 7% of a family's income, a standard met in just 2% of counties across the entire nation, leaving almost two-thirds of parents facing higher expenses. Remarkably, childcare remains unaffordable in 98% of counties nationwide. 

From the research team at AAA State of Play comes this new infographic which analyzes childcare cost data, revealing the 25 most and least expensive places for childcare in the United States.

Where is Day Care the Most (and Least) Expensive in America?

Infographic by: aaastateofplay

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Where is Day Care the Most (and Least) Expensive in America? #Infographic

Where is Day Care the Most (and Least) Expensive in America?

Childcare in the United States is widely known for its exorbitant costs. A January 2023 report from the U.S. Department of Labor revealed that new childcare data indicated prices simply weren't manageable for families. The average monthly expense for childcare in America hovers around $1,300, constituting a staggering one-fourth of the income for numerous Americans. Consequently, over 60% of impoverished families find themselves compelled to forgo work to care for their children at home, creating a ripple effect of financial challenges. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services deems childcare to be "affordable" if it costs less than 7% of a family's income, a standard met in just 2% of counties across the entire nation, leaving almost two-thirds of parents facing higher expenses. Remarkably, childcare remains unaffordable in 98% of counties nationwide. 

From the research team at AAA State of Play comes this new infographic which analyzes childcare cost data, revealing the 25 most and least expensive places for childcare in the United States.

Where is Day Care the Most (and Least) Expensive in America?

Infographic by: aaastateofplay

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