Instagram Rolls Out Link Stickers for Stories to All Users - Visualistan -->

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Instagram has rolled out the option of links being available in Stories for all users, which was previously limited to selected users, such as those with a certain number of followers and verified accounts.


Moreover, instead of the old ‘swipe up’ option for link sharing, there will be link stickers. The stickers offer users a more creative way to display links within their stories.


This addition will expand the value of Stories by attracting more audience. Especially for brands, the link stickers could make Stories be used as more of a communicative tool.


In additional details about the new link stickers, Instagram clarified that accounts that repeatedly share content that violates the platform’s Community Guidelines, will not have access to the option. Moreover, Instagram is working on new ways to make link stickers more customizable for users.


With this new addition, you are going to be seeing more links mentioned in Stories than before, which will also possibly lead to an influx of users posting more Stories content.


While Instagram has been more focused on promoting Reels lately, the platform has not left Stories behind.

Instagram Rolls Out Link Stickers for Stories to All Users


Instagram has rolled out the option of links being available in Stories for all users, which was previously limited to selected users, such as those with a certain number of followers and verified accounts.


Moreover, instead of the old ‘swipe up’ option for link sharing, there will be link stickers. The stickers offer users a more creative way to display links within their stories.


This addition will expand the value of Stories by attracting more audience. Especially for brands, the link stickers could make Stories be used as more of a communicative tool.


In additional details about the new link stickers, Instagram clarified that accounts that repeatedly share content that violates the platform’s Community Guidelines, will not have access to the option. Moreover, Instagram is working on new ways to make link stickers more customizable for users.


With this new addition, you are going to be seeing more links mentioned in Stories than before, which will also possibly lead to an influx of users posting more Stories content.


While Instagram has been more focused on promoting Reels lately, the platform has not left Stories behind.

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