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Fever: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Fever is the most common health condition that is experienced by almost everyone in the world. Fever, also known as Pyrexia is basically a condition when the body temperature of a person goes temporarily above the normal body temperature. The normal body temperature of a healthy person varies between 37°C to 38°C. The severity of fever however differs as well the reasons that lead to fever also differ from person to person.

Usually, fevers go away within a few days however, many people consume over-the-counter pills in order to treat the fever but sometimes, it is better left untreated. But, what really causes fever and what are the symptoms that indicate fever? Well, the infographic below tells it all.
According to the graphic, there are various factors that can cause you a fever such as, autoimmune disease, the reaction of certain medicines, Covid-19, food poisoning, etc. As far as the symptoms are concerned, the most common symptoms of fever include headache, chills or shivers, nausea, muscle ache, etc.

Since fevers differ in severity, sometimes mild fevers are left untreated because they go on their own once our body’s immune system has fought against all the foreign bodies. However, sometimes the medical experts recommend over-the-counter medicines to treat low-grade fever. On the other hand, if you have a higj0grade fever, then the doctor might prescribe you a course of antibiotics.

Fever: Symptoms, causes and treatment
Infographic by: Makatimed.net.ph

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Fever: Symptoms, causes and treatment #infographic

Fever: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Fever is the most common health condition that is experienced by almost everyone in the world. Fever, also known as Pyrexia is basically a condition when the body temperature of a person goes temporarily above the normal body temperature. The normal body temperature of a healthy person varies between 37°C to 38°C. The severity of fever however differs as well the reasons that lead to fever also differ from person to person.

Usually, fevers go away within a few days however, many people consume over-the-counter pills in order to treat the fever but sometimes, it is better left untreated. But, what really causes fever and what are the symptoms that indicate fever? Well, the infographic below tells it all.
According to the graphic, there are various factors that can cause you a fever such as, autoimmune disease, the reaction of certain medicines, Covid-19, food poisoning, etc. As far as the symptoms are concerned, the most common symptoms of fever include headache, chills or shivers, nausea, muscle ache, etc.

Since fevers differ in severity, sometimes mild fevers are left untreated because they go on their own once our body’s immune system has fought against all the foreign bodies. However, sometimes the medical experts recommend over-the-counter medicines to treat low-grade fever. On the other hand, if you have a higj0grade fever, then the doctor might prescribe you a course of antibiotics.

Fever: Symptoms, causes and treatment
Infographic by: Makatimed.net.ph

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