Women's rights, equality, and protection have become a serious issue in several parts of the world. With the people around the globe protesting for it for years, we don't see an efficient change in the systems. To our surprise, there are only ten states that provide complete protection and equal right to women. However, there are other countries that support women's rights but not fully; some even do to a negligible extent.
According to the infographic, Saudi Arabia ranks at 91th in the list at 80 percent as of 2021, whereas, in 2019, the country rested somewhere at the bottom of the list. On the other hand, the United States fell to 91.3 percent after the country failed to guarantee the equality of pay and pension along with poor laws concerning parental leave.
Japan ranked at approximately 82 percent, and South Korea, on the other side, ranked at 85 percent. South Korea lost points to the bad quality of laws regarding entrepreneurship and equal pay. However, Japan descended in the list due to the only 50 percent score of equality in the workplace, hiring, etc.

Infographic by: Statista.com