To take a little peek into the lives of people in the year 2020, we rounded up their google searches and found out the following results. It is natural for people to adopt change when isolation becomes another word for life. It is also common for people to look up to terms that do not make any sense to them. The year 2020 brought many events to light that were both joyous and tragic in their own ways. Be it about the protests that took off after George Floyd was mercilessly punished for his mere existence or just another presidential election for choosing another candidate to lead the country, and Google knows exactly what goes on in the mind of people.
This year was nothing more than a roller coaster. From children to people counting their last days, this year has brought many realizations to each one of us. Despite being isolated in our homes, there are still thousands of people working round the clock to serve humanity. The rest of us are just trying to survive this time with whatever we have managed to preserve at our homes. It won't be fair to call this year a bad one because, as Google knows it, many good things have happened to which the world is still quite oblivious.
The following chart throws light upon all the things people searched for during the year 2020 because clearly, they had all the time to themselves. Starting off with the category of people, people searched for the famous Joe Biden, who has been declared the next Vice President of the U.S in the Presidential elections.
Another most common search by people is the song called "WAP" sung by Cardi B. Considering it the top Google search; we can easily tell that this track definitely managed to add colors to the lives of people out there. To learn more about the top Google searches this year, view the infographic below:

Infographic by: Statista.com