We cannot even keep a count of places where steel is in demand due to the amazing properties it exhibits. Almost every construction company has started to rely on steel but, opting the best quality steel is a little daunting. There is a huge competition when it comes to the companies that produce the most top-notch steel in the world.
The demand for steel has significantly increased over the past few years. The advantages provided by steel is something which cannot be overlooked or neglected; the material itself is highly robust and extremely durable. Furthermore, it is sustainable, has reduced weight, provides architectural expression and totally worth it.
The number one steel manufacturing company is the Luxembourg-based Arcelor Mittal and produces 10% of the world's steel. The company supplies its steel to the household, construction, automotive and packaging industries. Followed on the second by Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) and provides prime quality steel to railways, civil engineering, construction, energy, and automobiles.
Other steel-producing countries that provide excellent quality steel are Korea's Hyundai Steel Company, Japan's JFE Steel Corporation, China's Jiangsu Shagang and a few more. Before you opt for a steel brand, make sure you have done your research and enlightened yourself about the benefits, quality, and pricing of that particular brand. The infographic below reveals some very useful information everyone must know about the world's top 10 leading steel manufacturers.
Infographic by: Coast-to-coastcarports.com