Superheroes Ranked by Their Box Office Earnings #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Superheroes Ranked by Their Box Office Earnings
Comic book movies are massively popular right now. While superheroes in film is hardly a new phenomenon, their popularity has skyrocketed in the last decade. The Avengers franchise alone has generated billions of dollars at the box office, with Avengers: Endgame making more than $2.7 billion and becoming the highest-grossing film in the world in 2019. While films with characters from the DC Extended Universe haven’t been quite as successful as ones from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they are still wildly successful in their own right. Aquaman is currently the ninth highest-grossing superhero movie in the world, earning $1.1 billion when it was released in 2018.

But which superheroes’ movies have made the most money? This infographic from TitleMax breaks down how much 30 different superheroes have made at the box office. These numbers include standalone films and their appearances in ensemble films, so it’s not surprising that superheroes in the Avengers are high on the list!

Superheroes Ranked by Their Box Office Earnings
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Superheroes Ranked by Their Box Office Earnings #Infographic

Superheroes Ranked by Their Box Office Earnings
Comic book movies are massively popular right now. While superheroes in film is hardly a new phenomenon, their popularity has skyrocketed in the last decade. The Avengers franchise alone has generated billions of dollars at the box office, with Avengers: Endgame making more than $2.7 billion and becoming the highest-grossing film in the world in 2019. While films with characters from the DC Extended Universe haven’t been quite as successful as ones from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they are still wildly successful in their own right. Aquaman is currently the ninth highest-grossing superhero movie in the world, earning $1.1 billion when it was released in 2018.

But which superheroes’ movies have made the most money? This infographic from TitleMax breaks down how much 30 different superheroes have made at the box office. These numbers include standalone films and their appearances in ensemble films, so it’s not surprising that superheroes in the Avengers are high on the list!

Superheroes Ranked by Their Box Office Earnings
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