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The Economic Value of Gold #Infographic

Gold as a form of investment might seem strange. Like a tale of old, of kings with vaults and gold reserves that that governments used to weigh currency against. 

But gold is still very much a profitable investment, and currently its going through an especially profitable run. 
The first boom in gold prices came right after the end of the gold standard by the government of the US, when during the decade following it, the prices of gold increased by more than 600%. 

The next boom came on the heels of the 20th century, and lasted the whole decade. This boom returned soon after, when after 5 years, gold prices started increasing again. 

Gold has one of the highest returns, compared to other similar investments. So, turns out, it’s a pretty good investment. 
The Economic Value of Gold #Infographic
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The Economic Value of Gold #Infographic

The Economic Value of Gold #Infographic

Gold as a form of investment might seem strange. Like a tale of old, of kings with vaults and gold reserves that that governments used to weigh currency against. 

But gold is still very much a profitable investment, and currently its going through an especially profitable run. 
The first boom in gold prices came right after the end of the gold standard by the government of the US, when during the decade following it, the prices of gold increased by more than 600%. 

The next boom came on the heels of the 20th century, and lasted the whole decade. This boom returned soon after, when after 5 years, gold prices started increasing again. 

Gold has one of the highest returns, compared to other similar investments. So, turns out, it’s a pretty good investment. 
The Economic Value of Gold #Infographic
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