Amid the current health crises around the world, it is important to keep yourself aware of all the dangers around you and arm yourself with the appropriate tools to take care of yourselves should you come into any harm. After all, precaution is better than treatment.
This infographic by Pan-American Health Organization is regarding the prevention of mosquito breeding sites in and around your living spaces. Mosquito-spread diseases are a very serious and very real threat in many parts of the world, the diseases causing thousands of deaths every year. The issue is most prevalent in third-world countries.
The Aedes mosquito alone has been responsible for spreading such diseases as chikungunya, dengue, and Zika virus. The mosquitoes grow around open bodies of water, so the most important precaution against these mosquitoes should be to cover all large containers of water, and to change the water and clean out the containers regularly.
You should also keep water from collecting in places such as flower pots and empty pails etc. outdoors, where the mosquitos can breed easily. Also make sure to clean out all pipes and drains. Mosquitoes can also breed in damp grass, so make sure to trim your garden and keep it weed-free.
Making sure to follow these steps may be a bit of a hassle at first, but a little precaution goes a long way and may protect you and your loved-ones from these dangerous, life-threatening diseases.
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