Not even a hundred years ago the notion that you could keep food in your refrigerator that was powered by electricity and you would have a machine to wash your dishes was almost a fantasy. Sure, there were electric appliances back then but they still had a fairly low adoption rate by household. Even electricity was just starting to be adopted by many households, as was indoor plumbing.
Today we take all these things for granted, including the many smart home features that make our daily lives easier, like programmable thermostats and apps that can turn on the lights when we are away. The smart home of the future is here now and it’s only getting better.
With a $250 programmable thermostat and a smart phone you can connect many of the different parts of your home. This can help you to turn up the heat when you are cold in your bed or turn on the lights when you think you hear a noise. But it can also help you to monitor your home when you are away on vacation or turn on the lights before you get home late at night. Learn more about the future of smart homes from this infographic!

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Today we take all these things for granted, including the many smart home features that make our daily lives easier, like programmable thermostats and apps that can turn on the lights when we are away. The smart home of the future is here now and it’s only getting better.
With a $250 programmable thermostat and a smart phone you can connect many of the different parts of your home. This can help you to turn up the heat when you are cold in your bed or turn on the lights when you think you hear a noise. But it can also help you to monitor your home when you are away on vacation or turn on the lights before you get home late at night. Learn more about the future of smart homes from this infographic!

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