Social media is turning our kids into zombies! Is that really true, or just a stereotype endlessly parroted by the media? It might feel like social media has existed for a long time, but in reality it's still a fairly new element of technology. Because it's so new, there are still a lot of aspects of it that are poorly understood. The reality of social media is that it isn't good, it isn't bad – it's just different, and it has its own unique benefits and drawbacks.
Surprisingly, many of the positive effects of social media refute the claim that it's turning our youth into socially awkward introverts. Social media is a stress relief vale, a support network, and a learning tool. It exposes us to diversity, helps us to understand others, and teaches the value of kindness and social responsibility. If there are any drawbacks, it's that the constant social media spotlight causes some users to feel depressed and lonely. But there may be solutions even to those issues. Take a look at this infographic and learn a little about the truth behind social media use.
Infographic by: mastersinpsychologyguide
Surprisingly, many of the positive effects of social media refute the claim that it's turning our youth into socially awkward introverts. Social media is a stress relief vale, a support network, and a learning tool. It exposes us to diversity, helps us to understand others, and teaches the value of kindness and social responsibility. If there are any drawbacks, it's that the constant social media spotlight causes some users to feel depressed and lonely. But there may be solutions even to those issues. Take a look at this infographic and learn a little about the truth behind social media use.