We all want our children to grow up happy, healthy, intelligent, confident, and well-adjusted. While parenting profoundly influences these outcomes, the society children grow up in also plays a significant role. So where in the world are children the most satisfied with their lives, and what can we learn from these places? UNICEF has conducted a comprehensive study on how children feel about their lives across the globe. The study examined many important statistics, including mental well-being (life satisfaction and adolescent suicide rate), physical well-being (percentage of overweight children and child mortality rate), and skills (social skills and academic achievement).
The results show that the country where children are the most satisfied with their lives is the Netherlands. Parents and caregivers in the Netherlands often take on a warm, empowering approach with clear boundaries and an emphasis on independence and responsibility. This contributes to long-term confidence and overall satisfaction.
Infographic by: aaastateofplay