Meta Launches New Music and Audio Creation AI Project ‘AudioCraft’ - Visualistan -->

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Not planning to leave audio behind in the world of AI, Meta has launched a new AI project ‘AudioCraft,’ designed for people to create “high quality audio and music” using text prompts. Does this mean that anyone can now produce music without playing notes, instruments, or specific skills? Seems so.


AudioCraft is created based on open-sourced research models of generative AI including MusicGen, AudioGen and EnCodec. The characteristics of the three models are as follows:

MusicGen is capable of generating music from text prompts. It has been trained with Meta-owned, licensed music.

AudioGen has been trained on public sound effects including environmental sounds and sounds of nature and animals. Like MusicGen, it too generates audio from text prompts.

EnCodec is a decoder, that Meta has just released a revamped version of. This model generates higher quality music with fewer prompts. 

By open-sourcing these models, Meta is providing researchers and practitioners the opportunity to train their own models with their own datasets, while also contributing to the field of AI-generated audio and music.


Explaining the complexity of generative AI systems for audio, Meta says that “generating high-fidelity audio of any kind requires modelling complex signals and patterns at varying scales.” However, as compared to previous AI audio projects, AudioCraft models are simplified and easy to use.


While AudioCraft points to a fascinating future for the world of music composition, like other AI models, it too will have unpleasant consequences. AI-generated audio can easily cause disruptions in the music industry, as we have already seen happening with music tracks featuring recording artists generated purely by AI, with no actual involvement of the artists.


Moreover, music is essentially a form of art and to master it requires adequate skills. A mere integration of AI could take music composers, with no real knowledge and understanding of music production, only to a superficial level of achievement. In other words, actual human talent and skills can not really be replaced by digital systems. Having said that, generative AI could still be a fun and creative way to experiment and play around with audio and music.  

Meta Launches New Music and Audio Creation AI Project ‘AudioCraft’

Not planning to leave audio behind in the world of AI, Meta has launched a new AI project ‘AudioCraft,’ designed for people to create “high quality audio and music” using text prompts. Does this mean that anyone can now produce music without playing notes, instruments, or specific skills? Seems so.


AudioCraft is created based on open-sourced research models of generative AI including MusicGen, AudioGen and EnCodec. The characteristics of the three models are as follows:

MusicGen is capable of generating music from text prompts. It has been trained with Meta-owned, licensed music.

AudioGen has been trained on public sound effects including environmental sounds and sounds of nature and animals. Like MusicGen, it too generates audio from text prompts.

EnCodec is a decoder, that Meta has just released a revamped version of. This model generates higher quality music with fewer prompts. 

By open-sourcing these models, Meta is providing researchers and practitioners the opportunity to train their own models with their own datasets, while also contributing to the field of AI-generated audio and music.


Explaining the complexity of generative AI systems for audio, Meta says that “generating high-fidelity audio of any kind requires modelling complex signals and patterns at varying scales.” However, as compared to previous AI audio projects, AudioCraft models are simplified and easy to use.


While AudioCraft points to a fascinating future for the world of music composition, like other AI models, it too will have unpleasant consequences. AI-generated audio can easily cause disruptions in the music industry, as we have already seen happening with music tracks featuring recording artists generated purely by AI, with no actual involvement of the artists.


Moreover, music is essentially a form of art and to master it requires adequate skills. A mere integration of AI could take music composers, with no real knowledge and understanding of music production, only to a superficial level of achievement. In other words, actual human talent and skills can not really be replaced by digital systems. Having said that, generative AI could still be a fun and creative way to experiment and play around with audio and music.  

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