Google Rolls Out Nearby Share for Windows for All Users along with New Features - Visualistan -->

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In March of this year, Google launched an app for Windows called ‘Nearby Share,’ that has made it possible to share files like documents and photos between an Android device and a PC without a cable or cord. The app has since been available to a limited number of users as it was launched in beta, but is now being officially launched to all users.

Not only that, but Nearby Share has also been updated with new features and improved performance and speed capabilities. Google is also working to partner with companies like HP, which would result in the app being a default tool in select Windows PCs.


New features added to the app include an estimated time marker for file transfers to be completed, and an image preview within device notifications that helps identify that the correct file is being shared.


According to Google, Nearby Share for Windows has been installed by more than 1.7 million people and over 50 million files have been transferred between PC and Android devices since the app’s launch.


Nearby Share was originally launched in 2020 for transferring files between Android devices. It is currently also available for Chromebook users who can share files between their Android and Chromebook devices.

Google Rolls Out Nearby Share for Windows for All Users along with New Features

In March of this year, Google launched an app for Windows called ‘Nearby Share,’ that has made it possible to share files like documents and photos between an Android device and a PC without a cable or cord. The app has since been available to a limited number of users as it was launched in beta, but is now being officially launched to all users.

Not only that, but Nearby Share has also been updated with new features and improved performance and speed capabilities. Google is also working to partner with companies like HP, which would result in the app being a default tool in select Windows PCs.


New features added to the app include an estimated time marker for file transfers to be completed, and an image preview within device notifications that helps identify that the correct file is being shared.


According to Google, Nearby Share for Windows has been installed by more than 1.7 million people and over 50 million files have been transferred between PC and Android devices since the app’s launch.


Nearby Share was originally launched in 2020 for transferring files between Android devices. It is currently also available for Chromebook users who can share files between their Android and Chromebook devices.

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