Gas powered vehicles have been a hot button topic in recent months. With EVs set to overtake the gas powered vehicle sales by 2040. Some people swear they will never own an EV while others take different routes to get around all together like motorcycles. Motorcycles can be a fabulous mode of transportation and offer a scenic ride while saving you money on gas. Of course, you need to live in a place with moderate temperatures and weather but even most places in the US have that some of the time during the year. We can see on this map from Titlemax just how many people enjoy riding their motorcycles to work. A whopping 3.9% of the population of Key West Florida takes their bike to work every day. Many cities in Hawaii are also on this list. What was surprising to me was Seward, Nebraska which seems like it wouldn't be the most motorcycle friendly city however 1.2% of the population ride their bike to work there.
Infographic by: titlemax