How Inflation Hurts Car Owners #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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How Inflation Hurts Car Owners

Every American suffers from high inflation rates, but some prices are going up faster than others. Take cars for example. Buying a car is difficult right now, but so is owning one. As of last March, gas prices averaged $4.29 across the nation. It takes more than $50 to fill up an average car’s tank. Yet while gas prices are the most visible sign of inflation, they aren’t the end of car owners’ woes. Insurance prices are also creeping up. 2 of the nation’s biggest firms, StateFarm and Allstate, are pursuing 4.2% and 12% rate increases this year respectively. Inflation is making a necessity a liability. 

How can car owners fight back? They can change their driving habits. Slower braking and less idling improve gas mileage. Safe driving can get people up to 15% discounts on car insurance. Cutting out unnecessary trips saves on both insurance and gas.

How Inflation Hurts Car Owners

Infographic by: buyautoinsurance

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How Inflation Hurts Car Owners #Infographic

How Inflation Hurts Car Owners

Every American suffers from high inflation rates, but some prices are going up faster than others. Take cars for example. Buying a car is difficult right now, but so is owning one. As of last March, gas prices averaged $4.29 across the nation. It takes more than $50 to fill up an average car’s tank. Yet while gas prices are the most visible sign of inflation, they aren’t the end of car owners’ woes. Insurance prices are also creeping up. 2 of the nation’s biggest firms, StateFarm and Allstate, are pursuing 4.2% and 12% rate increases this year respectively. Inflation is making a necessity a liability. 

How can car owners fight back? They can change their driving habits. Slower braking and less idling improve gas mileage. Safe driving can get people up to 15% discounts on car insurance. Cutting out unnecessary trips saves on both insurance and gas.

How Inflation Hurts Car Owners

Infographic by: buyautoinsurance

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