Hospitals around the USA are once again filling up with Covid Delta variant infected patients. This time, the number of unvaccinated patients is a lot more than the vaccinated patients. The infographic below shows the stats from some hospitals in different US states that are experiencing a surge in the number of new Covid-19 patients.
As the chart shows, Louisiana is among the five least vaccinated states in the US with around 60 percent of the population still unvaccinated. Due to this reason, the state experiences the second-highest Covid-19 hospitalizations.
On the other hand, Mississippi and Alabama have two-third of their population without vaccination. Wyoming, another least vaccinated state of the country surprisingly remains less infected than other states.
As far as the highest number of hospitalizations is concerned, Florida, having half of its population unvaccinated is the one with the most Covid-19 hospitalizations of the Indian Delta variant. The most vaccinated states of the USA however are safe from such tense situations. These states include East Coast.

Infographic by: Statista.com