Safe Minimum Cooking Temperature Chart for Meat, Poultry, Eggs, and More #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Safe Minimum Cooking Temperature Chart for Meat, Poultry, Eggs, and More

One major factor in controlling food borne pathogens is cooking at a proper temperature. Microorganisms can cause serious illness. Food poisoning is not fun to go through. Many people will be ill for a few days and recover but for some people, food poisoning can lead to long term health problems, hospitalization and even death. These food microorganisms like bacteria will grow slowly at low temperatures and multiply rapidly in mid-range temperatures. The bacteria is only killed when cooked at high temperatures. 
This safe food temperature chart from the team at How To Cook Recipes shows the safety zone for cooking beef, wild game, turkey, chicken, fish, eggs and more. One thing you will want to invest in to make sure you are cooking at the correct food safe temperatures is a food thermometer. To prevent food borne illness make sure you keep one of these helpful food safety temperature charts near your kitchen!

Safe Minimum Cooking Temperature Chart for Meat, Poultry, Eggs, and More

Infographic by: howtocook

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Safe Minimum Cooking Temperature Chart for Meat, Poultry, Eggs, and More #Infographic

Safe Minimum Cooking Temperature Chart for Meat, Poultry, Eggs, and More

One major factor in controlling food borne pathogens is cooking at a proper temperature. Microorganisms can cause serious illness. Food poisoning is not fun to go through. Many people will be ill for a few days and recover but for some people, food poisoning can lead to long term health problems, hospitalization and even death. These food microorganisms like bacteria will grow slowly at low temperatures and multiply rapidly in mid-range temperatures. The bacteria is only killed when cooked at high temperatures. 
This safe food temperature chart from the team at How To Cook Recipes shows the safety zone for cooking beef, wild game, turkey, chicken, fish, eggs and more. One thing you will want to invest in to make sure you are cooking at the correct food safe temperatures is a food thermometer. To prevent food borne illness make sure you keep one of these helpful food safety temperature charts near your kitchen!

Safe Minimum Cooking Temperature Chart for Meat, Poultry, Eggs, and More

Infographic by: howtocook

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