You must have seen numerous business pages on the internet including top social media platforms, selling their products but, do you trust those pages? That is what social trust is. Having faith in the reliability and authenticity of the promises and products of the brand.
As a company, you must gain the maximum trust of your customers so that you can grow better. According to the infographic, around 33 percent of the mob said that they ask for reviews and suggestions from their family or friends before purchasing anything online.
Whereas, 32 percent responded that ask for the best-selling product advice, however, a huge 68 percent ask for advice related to the service. Also, nearly 38 percent of the consumers consider face-to-face advice more genuine rather than one on social media platforms.
The infographic reveals that most people are now opting for online shopping as a new, effective and easy way to shop for their favorite items. However, no one yet trusts the brand with blind eyes. Let’s check the infographic and see where your business stands in terms of social trust.
Infographic by: Friendize.me