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The Dangers of Home Title Theft

Let’s talk about the latest scam to hit the masses. Typically when you think about common ways people steal from you, you’re first to think about things such as card fraud, identity theft, and phishing.  A new threat that has been emerging is stealing from people in a new way - their home title and all of their equity that they worked so hard over the years to build up.  From the years 2015 to 2019, real estate and rental fraud was more than 2.6 times the rate of even credit card fraud. 

Here are the steps of a typical home title theft scam: 

First, forged deeds are created by using easily online data that is easy to access.  Next, scammers will file paperwork pawning themselves off as you with your county, claiming they own your property.  People often do not become aware of the home title fraud until they get a letter from the letter indicating they are already in foreclosure. 

You don’t have to be a victim of home title fraud - protect yourself from the process and learn more in the infographic below:

The Dangers of Home Title Theft

Infographic by: hometitlelock

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The Dangers of Home Title Theft #Infographic

The Dangers of Home Title Theft

Let’s talk about the latest scam to hit the masses. Typically when you think about common ways people steal from you, you’re first to think about things such as card fraud, identity theft, and phishing.  A new threat that has been emerging is stealing from people in a new way - their home title and all of their equity that they worked so hard over the years to build up.  From the years 2015 to 2019, real estate and rental fraud was more than 2.6 times the rate of even credit card fraud. 

Here are the steps of a typical home title theft scam: 

First, forged deeds are created by using easily online data that is easy to access.  Next, scammers will file paperwork pawning themselves off as you with your county, claiming they own your property.  People often do not become aware of the home title fraud until they get a letter from the letter indicating they are already in foreclosure. 

You don’t have to be a victim of home title fraud - protect yourself from the process and learn more in the infographic below:

The Dangers of Home Title Theft

Infographic by: hometitlelock

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