How UV light is used to kill microorganisms? #infographic - Visualistan -->

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How UV light is used to kill microorganisms?

When we think about killing harmful microorganisms, all that pops up in our mind include hand sanitizers, antibacterial hand wash, disinfectant sprays, or wipes, but have you ever thought of UV lights? Well, this might sound unusual to a lot of people, but UV radiations have been in use to kill germs such as bacteria and viruses for a long time. These radiations can be used as a disinfectant for water, air, or any other nonporous surface.
There are three types of UV radiations based on the wavelengths of light such as UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA and UVB are classified as radiations with longer wavelengths, whereas UVC has the shortest wavelength.

To know more about these multipurpose UV radiations and how they are used to kill germs, we suggest you give the infographic below a look.

How UV light is used to kill microorganisms?
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How UV light is used to kill microorganisms? #infographic

How UV light is used to kill microorganisms?

When we think about killing harmful microorganisms, all that pops up in our mind include hand sanitizers, antibacterial hand wash, disinfectant sprays, or wipes, but have you ever thought of UV lights? Well, this might sound unusual to a lot of people, but UV radiations have been in use to kill germs such as bacteria and viruses for a long time. These radiations can be used as a disinfectant for water, air, or any other nonporous surface.
There are three types of UV radiations based on the wavelengths of light such as UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA and UVB are classified as radiations with longer wavelengths, whereas UVC has the shortest wavelength.

To know more about these multipurpose UV radiations and how they are used to kill germs, we suggest you give the infographic below a look.

How UV light is used to kill microorganisms?
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