Facebook gives its users the option to “hide ads” displayed
on their Feed and in return asks for the reason to hide an ad. Social media
expert Matt Navarra reported that Facebook is now asking additional questions
when a user chooses to hide an ad.
The newly added options that Facebook is giving users to know their reasons behind hiding a particular ad include: Too personal, Repetitive, Sensitive Topic, and Knows too much.
The last option seems to be an interesting one as it could
be related to the company’s latest update that notified users that their WhatsApp
data would be shared with Facebook. It is probably a common experience among
social media users when they come across an ad that makes them feel like the
platform is prying on their conversations across social media because they were
just talking about the particular product displayed in the ad that popped up.
While this Facebook feature has been around for some time
now, not many users have noticed it. Moreover, a lot of times, users don’t even
choose to hide ads that they come across, as they either ignore them or may
even find them useful.