It is hard to keep track of the leaders, and other powerful positions were taken by World leaders when so much is happening around you. To help you get a clearer overview of who made it to the leadership position in the 15 most powerful countries in the world since the year 1970, we have prepared a timeline covering the whole history.
Starting from the year 1970, all the countries except UAE had their powerful leaders in charge. The entire 1970 period was about the Soviet Union and its leader Leonid Brezhnev. On the other hand, the U.S. was being led by Richard Nixon, who soon ended his reign due to infamous Watergate tapes, and his place was immediately filled by Mao Zedong but not for too long as two years later, his death news was announced all over the broadcasting channels.
In the U.K., the first person to take the seat of Prime Minister was Margaret Thatcher. Her policies and ideologies about the economy turned the entire system of the U.K. around, which was known to be “Thatcherism” among the entire Kingdom. Similarly, Saudi Arabia was being ruled by Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud until the day his nephew assassinated him in the year 1975.
Fast forward to the 2010s when the entire structure had changed with even bigger changes in the name of leaders who then led these 15 countries – for Japan, this decade proved to be exceptionally eventful as the leadership juggled between several candidates, finally landing on the stop of the same president Shinzo Abe who ruled the state in 2006.
2020 has just begun, and America is the only country to have seen an incredibly powerful shift in its leadership positions. As for other countries, their management and positivity during the Covid-19 crisis are being accentuated by leaders all around the world.

Infographic by: Visualcapitalist.com