With each passing day, social media platforms are making new and most convenient modifications in their systems so that users face less trouble while interacting with the application. Instagram is a popular application and thus has the support of millions of users. Apart from all the friendly socializing features, Instagram has also gained huge popularity among brands and businesses because of its extensive scope and large audience.
Recently, Instagram has broken the news, which could help save a lot of trouble and time of the multiple account holders. This update is especially for those who keep switching between their multiple accounts in order to keep their updates on track. For instance, if a user has a personal and business account, then he could easily handle both accounts through one of these. To follow an account from both his accounts, he simply has to hold the follow button until a message box appears. The message box will state that pressing and holding will also allow your other accounts to follow this account.

The method introduced by Instagram will not only let people keep from dwindling between their multiple accounts, but it will also enhance the performance of Instagram and its futuristic approaches towards innovation.