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Carbon emissions by income group


In today’s day and age, the production of the products also results in toxic carbon emissions. Not only the factories, but humans also have a carbon footprint. These toxic carbon emissions are being held partially responsible for the climate change that the world is facing today.

The carbon emission rate in some countries is very high and some countries have low. Most of the time, carbon emissions depend upon how rich or poor a country is. A low-income country doesn’t have enough resources to produce high levels of toxic emissions. Since they are low on cash, they cannot produce many things and hence the individual carbon footprint of the people is low as well. On the other hand, countries with larger income can produce high levels of toxic carbon emissions because of the manufacturing of many products.

In 2018, low-income countries were responsible for only 0.19% of global carbon emission rates, which equals to 0.15 tons per person. The high-income countries produced 21% of global carbon emission with an astonishing number of 12.42 tons per person.

Take a look at the following infographic for more details.

Carbon emissions by income group #infographic

Infographic by: energyminute

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Carbon emissions by income group #infographic

Carbon emissions by income group


In today’s day and age, the production of the products also results in toxic carbon emissions. Not only the factories, but humans also have a carbon footprint. These toxic carbon emissions are being held partially responsible for the climate change that the world is facing today.

The carbon emission rate in some countries is very high and some countries have low. Most of the time, carbon emissions depend upon how rich or poor a country is. A low-income country doesn’t have enough resources to produce high levels of toxic emissions. Since they are low on cash, they cannot produce many things and hence the individual carbon footprint of the people is low as well. On the other hand, countries with larger income can produce high levels of toxic carbon emissions because of the manufacturing of many products.

In 2018, low-income countries were responsible for only 0.19% of global carbon emission rates, which equals to 0.15 tons per person. The high-income countries produced 21% of global carbon emission with an astonishing number of 12.42 tons per person.

Take a look at the following infographic for more details.

Carbon emissions by income group #infographic

Infographic by: energyminute

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