In part I, you have learned about people-centric technologies that are expected in 2020, however, in the part II infographic will shed some light to the smart space technology trends that you can expect in 2020. It is no news that technology is evolving every day and introducing us with some great masterpieces that make our lives easier and much efficient.
The field of technology is likely to expand by a whole new era of autonomous operations. In the next five years, the governments and major companies will feel the need of ethical artificial intelligence in order to invest in digital gadgets and products. From an empowered edge that creates a deeper connection of computation with data storage to AI security which ensures the high-level security of AI-powered systems, everything will be made available digitally.
The technology trends mentioned in the following infographic cannot be ignored as they will soon become the foundation of every business around the globe.

Infographic by: Tactqinsights.com