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The 16 Most Phenomenal Science Fiction Books Ever Written

Science has been around for ages as a subject, but in reality, it is what makes us and our world, even before we started studying it officially. Although now we are at the stage of talking robots and 3D printed bone transplants, visionary scientist-artists like Leonardo da Vinci sketched out the plan for a helicopter long before there were any signs of air travel. So it goes without saying that science has kept curious minds busy imagining how machines can look in the future, that is, science has the potential to inspire imagination and even stories.

Let's take a step towards understanding fiction first. One question you may ask yourself is this: Isn't a work of fiction supposed to be a bunch of mixed-up things completely the brainchild of your imagination, having no link to reality at all? Wrong. While fiction passes as a piece of imaginary work, it is not limited to the content or associations it can have with reality. If we read between the lines, we can find bits and pieces of reality even in high fantasy novels. But that is another story- literally.
Then how does science play out its role in fiction? Quite contrary to the cliche thinking, imagination and creativity are not limited to the arts. The exact definition of science fiction has been disputed by a lot of authors and critics due to many subgenres. You can find superheroes in science fiction stories, a bit of fantasy, and even horror. The mysterious air surrounding the genre of science fiction is what makes it one of the most appealing ones. An example would be Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein', which is one of the most celebrated classics in the world of English Literature. It features Frankenstein, the scientist character after which the novel is named, and his obsession with scientific innovation to bring back the dead to life. While it does not have aliens or high tech robots, it encompasses scientific fantasy, as well as major feelings of horror, wrapped up with moral lessons.

Also See: The 20 Most Popular Books Throughout History #Infographic

All in all, you can think of science fiction as a flowing river of emotions, the tones of the dialogue, the messages cloaked with the elements of society and the time period in which the piece was written, like any fictional work truly. But most of all, science fiction is visionary- it gives us the opportunity to peek into the future given what we already know, the way we interact with our environment and with technology. Keeping insight into how science has been captivating mankind for such a long time, here's a list of the most phenomenal science fiction books ever written!

The 16 Most Phenomenal Science Fiction Books Ever Written

Infographic by: GlobalEnglishEditing

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The 16 Most Phenomenal Science Fiction Books Ever Written #Infographic

The 16 Most Phenomenal Science Fiction Books Ever Written

Science has been around for ages as a subject, but in reality, it is what makes us and our world, even before we started studying it officially. Although now we are at the stage of talking robots and 3D printed bone transplants, visionary scientist-artists like Leonardo da Vinci sketched out the plan for a helicopter long before there were any signs of air travel. So it goes without saying that science has kept curious minds busy imagining how machines can look in the future, that is, science has the potential to inspire imagination and even stories.

Let's take a step towards understanding fiction first. One question you may ask yourself is this: Isn't a work of fiction supposed to be a bunch of mixed-up things completely the brainchild of your imagination, having no link to reality at all? Wrong. While fiction passes as a piece of imaginary work, it is not limited to the content or associations it can have with reality. If we read between the lines, we can find bits and pieces of reality even in high fantasy novels. But that is another story- literally.
Then how does science play out its role in fiction? Quite contrary to the cliche thinking, imagination and creativity are not limited to the arts. The exact definition of science fiction has been disputed by a lot of authors and critics due to many subgenres. You can find superheroes in science fiction stories, a bit of fantasy, and even horror. The mysterious air surrounding the genre of science fiction is what makes it one of the most appealing ones. An example would be Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein', which is one of the most celebrated classics in the world of English Literature. It features Frankenstein, the scientist character after which the novel is named, and his obsession with scientific innovation to bring back the dead to life. While it does not have aliens or high tech robots, it encompasses scientific fantasy, as well as major feelings of horror, wrapped up with moral lessons.

Also See: The 20 Most Popular Books Throughout History #Infographic

All in all, you can think of science fiction as a flowing river of emotions, the tones of the dialogue, the messages cloaked with the elements of society and the time period in which the piece was written, like any fictional work truly. But most of all, science fiction is visionary- it gives us the opportunity to peek into the future given what we already know, the way we interact with our environment and with technology. Keeping insight into how science has been captivating mankind for such a long time, here's a list of the most phenomenal science fiction books ever written!

The 16 Most Phenomenal Science Fiction Books Ever Written

Infographic by: GlobalEnglishEditing

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