Do you know the statutes of limitations for various crimes in your state? While most states have statues of limitations in place for the same crimes, the year limit can vary widely between states. One example of this is bribery, which has a ten year statue of limitations in Rhode Island but only two years in Utah. Another example is that many states have no statutes of limitations in place when it comes to arson, but Vermont has an eleven year limitation while Wisconsin only has six years for it. There are some more heinous crimes that all states agree should have no statute of limitations, one of which is first-degree murder.
Explore the criminal statutes of limitations put in place by your state, and the 49 others across the U.S., using this interactive map that breaks down the terms for a variety of criminal activities in an easy-to-read format. Which of these statues of limitations were you most surprised to learn of?

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Explore the criminal statutes of limitations put in place by your state, and the 49 others across the U.S., using this interactive map that breaks down the terms for a variety of criminal activities in an easy-to-read format. Which of these statues of limitations were you most surprised to learn of?

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