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The Top 10 Cancers in the USA

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. However, cancer is rapidly spreading as well – especially in high-income countries. In fact, researchers claim that cancer is killing twice as many people in developed countries. They are also predicting that the disease will soon surpass cardiovascular diseases and become the leading cause of death in a few decades.

The American Cancer Society also published an Infographic in this regard where they analyzed the top types of cancers in the U.S. According to their findings, breast cancer for women and prostate cancer for men made up the most cancer diagnoses in America. Cancer of lungs is also common in 12.3% women and 13% of U.S men. Both the sexes are also more prone to colorectal or bowel cancer.
The study also took a look at the new diagnoses in the year 2020 and saw that women were more affected by the disease when compared to men. As of this writing, the number of women diagnosed with cancer in 2020 was 912, 930 while the figure for their male counterparts remained at 893,660.
The Top 10 Cancers in the USA
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The Top 10 Cancers in the USA #Infographic

The Top 10 Cancers in the USA

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. However, cancer is rapidly spreading as well – especially in high-income countries. In fact, researchers claim that cancer is killing twice as many people in developed countries. They are also predicting that the disease will soon surpass cardiovascular diseases and become the leading cause of death in a few decades.

The American Cancer Society also published an Infographic in this regard where they analyzed the top types of cancers in the U.S. According to their findings, breast cancer for women and prostate cancer for men made up the most cancer diagnoses in America. Cancer of lungs is also common in 12.3% women and 13% of U.S men. Both the sexes are also more prone to colorectal or bowel cancer.
The study also took a look at the new diagnoses in the year 2020 and saw that women were more affected by the disease when compared to men. As of this writing, the number of women diagnosed with cancer in 2020 was 912, 930 while the figure for their male counterparts remained at 893,660.
The Top 10 Cancers in the USA
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