Top 6 Car Window Tinting Myths #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Top 6 Car Window Tinting Myths

Millions of car owners in the United States have tinted car windows. It is a common thing to have windows tinted because of the benefits it has. The main function of car tints is to protect the car from UV radiation. The amount of protection a tint gives depends on its material, and the amount of tint film placed on the window.

In line with this, window tints keep the car cooler as they prevent heat coming inside of the car. Tints are also helpful in preventing glass shards from flying once the car windows have been broken. For those people who want privacy, car surely hides the persons and possessions inside the vehicle as they come in dark colors.

But then, there are rumors floating around the car tinting industry. There are misconceptions on what car tints are capable of which sometimes upsets car owners as their expectations fall. Here are the top six car tinting myths.

Top 6 Car Window Tinting Myths #infographic

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Top 6 Car Window Tinting Myths #infographic

Top 6 Car Window Tinting Myths

Millions of car owners in the United States have tinted car windows. It is a common thing to have windows tinted because of the benefits it has. The main function of car tints is to protect the car from UV radiation. The amount of protection a tint gives depends on its material, and the amount of tint film placed on the window.

In line with this, window tints keep the car cooler as they prevent heat coming inside of the car. Tints are also helpful in preventing glass shards from flying once the car windows have been broken. For those people who want privacy, car surely hides the persons and possessions inside the vehicle as they come in dark colors.

But then, there are rumors floating around the car tinting industry. There are misconceptions on what car tints are capable of which sometimes upsets car owners as their expectations fall. Here are the top six car tinting myths.

Top 6 Car Window Tinting Myths #infographic

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