Uber & Lyft Rates & Coverage Areas - 2019 Year In Review #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Uber & Lyft Rates & Coverage Areas - 2019 Year In Review

Where users can check, estimate and compare prices and show coverage areas for ridehailing services. In 2019 in the US, more than 1 million separate search queries took place on Up Hail. Our data analysis and visualization team analyzed and uncovered crucial insights about Uber & Lyft in terms of coverage area, pricing, services offered, average distance and length of trips using this data set. You will find some interesting stats in our infographic below, statistics that might shock you, as we did.

Uber & Lyft Rates & Coverage Areas - 2019 Year In Review #infographic

infographic by: uphail.com

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Uber & Lyft Rates & Coverage Areas - 2019 Year In Review #infographic

Uber & Lyft Rates & Coverage Areas - 2019 Year In Review

Where users can check, estimate and compare prices and show coverage areas for ridehailing services. In 2019 in the US, more than 1 million separate search queries took place on Up Hail. Our data analysis and visualization team analyzed and uncovered crucial insights about Uber & Lyft in terms of coverage area, pricing, services offered, average distance and length of trips using this data set. You will find some interesting stats in our infographic below, statistics that might shock you, as we did.

Uber & Lyft Rates & Coverage Areas - 2019 Year In Review #infographic

infographic by: uphail.com

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