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What is a Vaporizer and it's Different Types

A vaporizer is a battery or mains operated device, that allows the user to heat either oils; plants; or waxes, to a temperature that will transfer the solid matter into a vapor. The vaporizer is then used to inhale the vapor into the lungs, resulting in a number of different physical and mental effects.

It is important to clarify this point, as many people still refer to vaporizing as smoking. Vaporizing is NOT smoking. The very purpose of vaping, is to eliminate burning the material the user wishes to inhale. Smoke only occurs when a substance is heated to such a high temperature that it combusts. Combustion alters the state of the substance being heated. Smoke is emitted when combustion occurs. Rather than a gas, smoke is a mass of tiny particles from the burnt matter.

That is why smoking leaves an ash residue and the smell of smoke clings to hair and materials. When we breathe in these burnt particles, we are also inhaling harmful carcinogens. Carcinogens form as the heat reacts with the fuel it is burning. Even if the substance we are smoking is natural and full of healthy properties, once burnt it will still introduce harmful chemicals into the body.

In contrast to this, vaporizers heat the chosen matter to high temperatures but remain below the point of combustion. The vapor emitted and inhaled into the lungs contains only pure compounds drawn from the material being vaporized.

What is a Vaporizer and it's Different Types #infographic

infographic by: www.kronicvapes.co.uk

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What is a Vaporizer and it's Different Types #infographic

What is a Vaporizer and it's Different Types

A vaporizer is a battery or mains operated device, that allows the user to heat either oils; plants; or waxes, to a temperature that will transfer the solid matter into a vapor. The vaporizer is then used to inhale the vapor into the lungs, resulting in a number of different physical and mental effects.

It is important to clarify this point, as many people still refer to vaporizing as smoking. Vaporizing is NOT smoking. The very purpose of vaping, is to eliminate burning the material the user wishes to inhale. Smoke only occurs when a substance is heated to such a high temperature that it combusts. Combustion alters the state of the substance being heated. Smoke is emitted when combustion occurs. Rather than a gas, smoke is a mass of tiny particles from the burnt matter.

That is why smoking leaves an ash residue and the smell of smoke clings to hair and materials. When we breathe in these burnt particles, we are also inhaling harmful carcinogens. Carcinogens form as the heat reacts with the fuel it is burning. Even if the substance we are smoking is natural and full of healthy properties, once burnt it will still introduce harmful chemicals into the body.

In contrast to this, vaporizers heat the chosen matter to high temperatures but remain below the point of combustion. The vapor emitted and inhaled into the lungs contains only pure compounds drawn from the material being vaporized.

What is a Vaporizer and it's Different Types #infographic

infographic by: www.kronicvapes.co.uk

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