The Journey Of An Android Software Rollout #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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The Journey Of An Android Software Rollout
Sony Mobile has created a new infographic that helps to explain all of the processes involved in new software updates. It highlights the step from when Google announces a new Android update, to when it arrives at Sony Mobile, before eventually hitting your Sony Xperia device. For those that always wonder why there can be a long delay in receiving updates, hopefully the infographic below makes you appreciate all of the work needed to take place before you receive that next big Android update.

The Journey Of An Android Software Rollout
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The Journey Of An Android Software Rollout #Infographic

The Journey Of An Android Software Rollout
Sony Mobile has created a new infographic that helps to explain all of the processes involved in new software updates. It highlights the step from when Google announces a new Android update, to when it arrives at Sony Mobile, before eventually hitting your Sony Xperia device. For those that always wonder why there can be a long delay in receiving updates, hopefully the infographic below makes you appreciate all of the work needed to take place before you receive that next big Android update.

The Journey Of An Android Software Rollout
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