If ever you catch yourself thinking there are no women pioneers in any given field, you need to stop yourself. Women have been pioneers in just about every field you can think of - it’s just that historically their contributions have been swept under the rug. Most people remember John Glenn, but almost no one remembers that he wouldn’t go into space without Katherine Johnson double checking the calculations he would use to get his re-entry trajectory just right.
Lots of people talk about Ada Lovelace as the woman who wrote about Charles Babbage’s computer concept, but only those who truly understand the history of computer science recognize her as the person who wrote the first computer algorithm.
Today many people think of blockchain and cryptocurrency as a male-dominated field, but there are many women trailblazers innovating in uncharted territory in everything from regulations to programming. Learn more about women in blockchain and cryptocurrency from this infographic.

Infographic by: cryptofriends.io
Lots of people talk about Ada Lovelace as the woman who wrote about Charles Babbage’s computer concept, but only those who truly understand the history of computer science recognize her as the person who wrote the first computer algorithm.
Today many people think of blockchain and cryptocurrency as a male-dominated field, but there are many women trailblazers innovating in uncharted territory in everything from regulations to programming. Learn more about women in blockchain and cryptocurrency from this infographic.

Infographic by: cryptofriends.io