While it would be convenient to inherit a family fortune, many successful entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos started from humble roots, working unglamorous day jobs to make their dreams a reality. From flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s to sweeping sweltering factory boiler rooms, even these billionaires know what it’s like to grind.
Whatever your day job may be, it’s important to use these experiences to learn the value of hard work and perseverance along the way. The ability to work through difficult situations while maintaining a sharp focus on your goals is a skill to be gleaned from even the dirtiest jobs.
Check out this infographic by Fundera and get inspired by these rags-to-riches stories.

Infographic by: www.fundera.com
Whatever your day job may be, it’s important to use these experiences to learn the value of hard work and perseverance along the way. The ability to work through difficult situations while maintaining a sharp focus on your goals is a skill to be gleaned from even the dirtiest jobs.
Check out this infographic by Fundera and get inspired by these rags-to-riches stories.

Infographic by: www.fundera.com