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Baby's First Steps
Having a baby is such an exciting time and it is time that moves really fast! Soon your newborn will be moving and wiggling towards their first steps and then they’re ready to take over the world – well not quite but it’s a really momentous occasion all the same. You’ll want to savour the moments and probably take hundreds of photos and videos too!

Check out the below infographic from the guys over at Shop Twinkie who have put together this information which documents the different stages in the baby’s journey to their first steps. It also gives some really handy tips on buying your kid’s first pair of shoes which is a really important decision too. Check out all the details below!

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Baby's First Steps #Infographic

Baby's First Steps
Having a baby is such an exciting time and it is time that moves really fast! Soon your newborn will be moving and wiggling towards their first steps and then they’re ready to take over the world – well not quite but it’s a really momentous occasion all the same. You’ll want to savour the moments and probably take hundreds of photos and videos too!

Check out the below infographic from the guys over at Shop Twinkie who have put together this information which documents the different stages in the baby’s journey to their first steps. It also gives some really handy tips on buying your kid’s first pair of shoes which is a really important decision too. Check out all the details below!

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