We’ve all seen the news: Americans are sick, fat, and dying. Healthcare is too expensive for many people, and despite spending the most money on healthcare per capita of any nation in the developed world, health outcomes are still very poor. The United States ranks 28th in life expectancy worldwide, just behind Costa Rica and just ahead of Cuba. The United States is number one in one area: obesity. So why are life expectancy rates on the decline in the United States?
A third of Americans are obese, which can lead to other leading causes of death such as stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. There is an interesting socioeconomic disparity in American life expectancies- life expectancies of the poorest Americans have gone down significantly since 1980, while life expectancies of the richest Americans have gone up pretty significantly in the same time period. Learn more about American life expectancy and why it is in decline from this infographic!

Infographic by: www.mesotheliomatreatmentcenters.org
A third of Americans are obese, which can lead to other leading causes of death such as stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. There is an interesting socioeconomic disparity in American life expectancies- life expectancies of the poorest Americans have gone down significantly since 1980, while life expectancies of the richest Americans have gone up pretty significantly in the same time period. Learn more about American life expectancy and why it is in decline from this infographic!

Infographic by: www.mesotheliomatreatmentcenters.org