Iceland is fast becoming one of the top destinations to visit in Europe, with more and more eager visitors landing on its chilly shores day after day. One aspect of Icelandic life that doesn’t always get the airtime it deserves however, is the country’s food and traditional delicacies, which is a shame, as the nation’s unique climate allows it to grow and cultivate a range of crops and meats that have a taste that has to be sampled to be believed.
Another plus of Iceland’s hardy climate and its hearty food is the untapped health benefits. From some of the leanest lamb with the highest vitamin content in the world, to nutrient packed fruit and veg, not to mention the globally-recognised wonder food Skyr, Iceland is a clean eating paradise. And then there’s the fermented shark…. One of the country’s most infamous delicacies, this dish is every bit as an acquired taste as it sounds, and there’s more where it came from.
From the eye-wateringly strong Brennivin spirit to the Icelandic equivalent of the hot dog, and every tasty morsel in between, covering all manner of Icelandic fare, here is an infographic guide to the food of the world’s coolest country.

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Another plus of Iceland’s hardy climate and its hearty food is the untapped health benefits. From some of the leanest lamb with the highest vitamin content in the world, to nutrient packed fruit and veg, not to mention the globally-recognised wonder food Skyr, Iceland is a clean eating paradise. And then there’s the fermented shark…. One of the country’s most infamous delicacies, this dish is every bit as an acquired taste as it sounds, and there’s more where it came from.
From the eye-wateringly strong Brennivin spirit to the Icelandic equivalent of the hot dog, and every tasty morsel in between, covering all manner of Icelandic fare, here is an infographic guide to the food of the world’s coolest country.

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