Everyone knows what a sugar packet looks like. Each sugar packet contains roughly four grams of sugar, so they are excellent tools to help visualize just how much sugar is in certain common foods.
Too much sugar can be detrimental to many aspects of a person's health. It is known to lower your immunity, deplete mineral density in bones, promotes wrinkles and ages skin, contributes to obesity, triggers adrenal fatigue harms dental health, makes blood acidic, and much more.
This infographic helps to visualize the excessive amount of sugar in some foods and beverages. Soda is one of the worst offenders; 12 ounces of Mountain Dew contains the equivalent of 11 and ½ sugar packets and Pepsi measures at 11 and ¼ sugar packets! Energy drinks like Monster are also guilty on excess sugar with 13 ½ sugar packets.
This infographic is meant to reveal to people that there may be far more sugar in common foods than they are aware of.
Infographic by: www.9round.com
Too much sugar can be detrimental to many aspects of a person's health. It is known to lower your immunity, deplete mineral density in bones, promotes wrinkles and ages skin, contributes to obesity, triggers adrenal fatigue harms dental health, makes blood acidic, and much more.
This infographic helps to visualize the excessive amount of sugar in some foods and beverages. Soda is one of the worst offenders; 12 ounces of Mountain Dew contains the equivalent of 11 and ½ sugar packets and Pepsi measures at 11 and ¼ sugar packets! Energy drinks like Monster are also guilty on excess sugar with 13 ½ sugar packets.
This infographic is meant to reveal to people that there may be far more sugar in common foods than they are aware of.