We sometimes might assume uniforms for legal officials are fairly universal across the globe. But cultural diversity can show itself in many forms, one of which is exemplified here in this infographic in the form of authoritative uniforms. Many countries will design their uniforms in a specific or unique way for various reasons. Demonstrated in this infographic we can see the police uniforms for Dublin are a deep green to match the Irish Shamrock and so this is one way the uniform represents the nation.
Our latest infographic tells you all about these uniforms, with illustrations to help you visualise how they would look. In the police force uniform is what separates them from the public and gives them authority. But not all police uniforms are the same and they vary all across the world. Take a look at the infographic below to find out more about these authoritative uniforms from around the world.
Infographic by: exportaglobal.co.uk
Our latest infographic tells you all about these uniforms, with illustrations to help you visualise how they would look. In the police force uniform is what separates them from the public and gives them authority. But not all police uniforms are the same and they vary all across the world. Take a look at the infographic below to find out more about these authoritative uniforms from around the world.