Do you know that interior design 2016 is going to be all about colors and metal accessories? But to get the right effect, you need to know how to use them properly. For example, lively and powerful colors such as red should not be used in bedrooms. Instead use red in dining rooms or on a single wall in your loving room to make a statement. Rosy/blush pink will work in almost every room and look great when paired with lighting fixtures in a number of metallic shades.
On the other hand, gold tones are best reserved for living areas or rooms where you want to create a rich ambience. Blue can be used in a bedroom or a study to promote relaxation and clarity of thought. For more such great ideas and tips to incorporate colors and metal shades in your home décor, check out the below infographic from Industville!
Infographic by:
On the other hand, gold tones are best reserved for living areas or rooms where you want to create a rich ambience. Blue can be used in a bedroom or a study to promote relaxation and clarity of thought. For more such great ideas and tips to incorporate colors and metal shades in your home décor, check out the below infographic from Industville!