LinkedIn is becoming more and more popular social network around the world. And one main difference of this social network is that it is professional network, which is connecting professionals. You can find a job or search for new employees.
To show you importance of LinkedIn we have prepared this cool infographic for you what will tell you all aspects of this social network. Here are a lot of facts like how many recruiters are using LinkedIn in their recruitment efforts or how many connections average CEO has in this network. Here are a lot of other interesting stats, including usage of that network around the world and time people spend inside this social media.
Infographic by:
To show you importance of LinkedIn we have prepared this cool infographic for you what will tell you all aspects of this social network. Here are a lot of facts like how many recruiters are using LinkedIn in their recruitment efforts or how many connections average CEO has in this network. Here are a lot of other interesting stats, including usage of that network around the world and time people spend inside this social media.