Let’s take a look at how some fictional Pop-culture characters have changed their hairdos over the years in this info-graphic by the Houston Hair Transplant Center. If you are a geek you will recognize the characters without a doubt, but for certain you will be surprised by some of their old hairstyles. Some characters are iconic and memorable only by their hair. Superman is one that can be told apart by just by his memorable hair curl, branded by Christopher Reeve. Princess Leia’s side buns are a trademark of her 70s outer space hair fashion. Other Personalities stand out just due to their extravagant show-off looks. Lady Gaga takes the credit for her extravagant fashion and out of this world Hairstyles. Remember Gaga's VMA Meat Dress? She had a piece of baby beef adorning her grey hair. Not many Characters change their hairstyles during a movie, but in Scott Pilgrim vs the World – Ramona Flowers switched hair color between shots. Some movie fans argue she had her hair dyed, others assume she used different wigs, while just a few date to state that she had 3 hair transplants.

Infographic by: www.houstonhairtransplant.com

Infographic by: www.houstonhairtransplant.com