The price of a Grande Latte varies in price around the world, but just how much? Netflights have put together an infographic detailing how much the well loved beverage is from country to country – Inspired by the big mac index, this infographic not only details the price, but it also compares the cost of rent, salary and population.
The cost of a regular Grande Latte in Denmark is £4.94 whereas Sofia in Bulgaria is as cheap as £0.94p. However the price has nothing to do with the currency as the price differs in parts of the UK. It’ more about skills and cost of rent, which is why the higher costing lattes goes off the cost of living.
Infographic by:
The cost of a regular Grande Latte in Denmark is £4.94 whereas Sofia in Bulgaria is as cheap as £0.94p. However the price has nothing to do with the currency as the price differs in parts of the UK. It’ more about skills and cost of rent, which is why the higher costing lattes goes off the cost of living.