How Auto Dealers Can Use Social Media to Sell Cars #infographic - Visualistan -->

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How Auto Dealers Can Use Social Media to Sell Cars
According to a 2013 survey by Google, in-market shoppers are researching more than ever before buying a car. In fact, on average, car buyers research 24 touch points during the process, including search engines, OEM sites, third party sites, and more. Need less to say, digital plays a big role leading up to purchasing a car! On a similar note, online video research is on the rise among auto shoppers. According to the same Google survey, over half of auto shoppers watch 30 minutes or more of online videos. Moreso, 47% of auto shoppers heard about a car or truck from watching online videos; and 65% were able to narrow down their search after watching a video.

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How Auto Dealers Can Use Social Media to Sell Cars #infographic

How Auto Dealers Can Use Social Media to Sell Cars
According to a 2013 survey by Google, in-market shoppers are researching more than ever before buying a car. In fact, on average, car buyers research 24 touch points during the process, including search engines, OEM sites, third party sites, and more. Need less to say, digital plays a big role leading up to purchasing a car! On a similar note, online video research is on the rise among auto shoppers. According to the same Google survey, over half of auto shoppers watch 30 minutes or more of online videos. Moreso, 47% of auto shoppers heard about a car or truck from watching online videos; and 65% were able to narrow down their search after watching a video.

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