We’ve all heard of the common ways to use alternative energy, from solar panels to wind farms, there’s a vast array of options out there for those who care about the environment. But we’re willing to bet that the list is far more extensive than you would have first thought!
New sources of renewable energy are being discovered more and more often, and as the list grows, it’s fair to say that the content is becoming increasingly bizarre. Although some may think it strange to charge your phone with the power of your own breathing or perhaps consider it disgusting to use old diapers to fuel your car, these could well be the future sources of our energy! So why not have a read and discover some of the methods we here at GB Energy Supply believe you could well be using in the not-so-distant future.
Infographic by: gbenergysupply.co.uk
New sources of renewable energy are being discovered more and more often, and as the list grows, it’s fair to say that the content is becoming increasingly bizarre. Although some may think it strange to charge your phone with the power of your own breathing or perhaps consider it disgusting to use old diapers to fuel your car, these could well be the future sources of our energy! So why not have a read and discover some of the methods we here at GB Energy Supply believe you could well be using in the not-so-distant future.