Who doesn’t like watching movies? It doesn't matter what type of person you are, there will always be some genres of movies that would be perfect just for you. From romance to science fiction, from action to animated movies, there is always something for even the pickiest people. But, there is one genre that attracts almost every viewer. Gangster movies. They manage to capture our attention and pull us into action. The suits, the guns, bravery, struggles, all the betrayals and the violence keep us waiting for more. But, without any doubt, the best part of gangster movies are the gangsters themselves. There is nobody we love to hate more than them. Even though all of the movie gangsters have been portrayed great, there are few among them that we will remember long after the movie is finished. Not only as great characters but even better actors. Check out this great infographic and discover Hollywood's best gangster portrayals of all time.
Infographic by: fandango.com