Just like students are different in their passions, at Ivy College we know that students are different in their learning styles. We see these different styles in all our students, across all our colleges. So we encourage our students to discover what their learning strengths are, and then use them to your advantage.
Here we have put together an infographic to help learners discover what their favourite styles are. What is your favourite learning style? Are you good with images and maps, then you’re Visual. Do you like mathematical reasoning, then you’re Logical. Do you pick-up things you hear, then that make you Aural. If you love language, then you’re verbal. Interpersonal beasts are social or solitary learners. Or if you love touching, feeling things, then you’re physical.
Infographci by: ivy.edu.au
Here we have put together an infographic to help learners discover what their favourite styles are. What is your favourite learning style? Are you good with images and maps, then you’re Visual. Do you like mathematical reasoning, then you’re Logical. Do you pick-up things you hear, then that make you Aural. If you love language, then you’re verbal. Interpersonal beasts are social or solitary learners. Or if you love touching, feeling things, then you’re physical.